Friday, March 14, 2008

Megan's First Week at Home

Some scenes from our week at home as a family. There's a lot of shots of sleeping. That was by far our favorite activity this week. Enjoy!


Gram said...

"Tantrum"?...Just wait :-)

Christina said...

Oh yeah! He thinks he's got it made! Enjoy it while you can! Nice video!

Anonymous said...

We have been following Megan's progress and are SO very excited for you! She is bite sized and the cutest little peanut ever! Congratulations and best wishes! We can't wait to watch her grow "long distance". God chose great GREAT parents for her!
Much love sweet dream, Beth & Vern Simpson

sandra mae said...

hi guys! how are your days (and nights) going with megan and the whole adjustment to life with child?!
we are thinking of you guys lots....