Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The morning after

In all of our visits the past 10 days to the hospital, Jillian and I were always amazed at how quiet Megan was. She never cried. Sure, she cooed, but never really cried, except for maybe a few 5-second shrills.

I guess the change in scenery had a change for young Megan. After a cute 'honeymoon' phase yesterday afternoon where Megan slept the day away while Jillian and I organized her room, assembled her pack 'n play, and cleaned up around the house. This didn't seem so bad.

Then the night came.

Megan's last feeding came at midnight. And while she was alert and refreshed, her caretakers were exhausted. But we got her changed and put her down to bed. For about an hour. I knew the first night would be tough, because she would be in a different environment and because we were going to hear every little whimper because of our nervousness of having her home. So Jillian was a champ, waking up at 1 am, 3 am, and 6 am to check on Megan. At 7:30, I woke up with her and let Jill sleep until her next feeding at 9. Despite it being only our first morning, Jillian and I both felt exhausted.

So, groggily, we've been surviving the early part of today, wondering why Megan's schedule today is not exactly going to plan like her schedule in the nursery. But hopefully we'll find our rhythm. The good news is that Jillian is returning to her old self, the swelling is gone, she's lost 33 pounds already and is hoping for more, and as a special treat, is off at her hair appointment. So it's up to me to change/feed/comfort young Megan over the next few hours.

Off to play time.


Christina said...

You guys are doing great!! I wonder how your other baby, Espen, is taking all of this in.....

Laura said...

The first few nights are the hardest, you'll get in your groove. You score Dad points taking her alone day 2 at home...I think it was at least a week before my husband had Max alone in the house... Good Luck Tonight!