Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Shh ... be very, very quiet

... otherwise you might wake up Megan.

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, but I promise the family is doing well. My mom has graciously donated her Spring Break time when she could be working on projects at her own house to help us with Megan. In addition, this is the end of the quarter for me and the tennis season at the high school just started up, so I've added coaching duties to my day as well as parenting, March Madness preparations, grading, etc. So, sorry for the lack of posts this week, but when I get home, it's all I can do to keep from passing out from exhaustion. And we haven't even talked about Jill's day. Hopefully tomorrow there will be some more pics?

Until then ... good night. Zzzzzzz.

1 comment:

papa von george said...

I can't tell if you've become a parent. . . or joined the circus.