We've been numerous times but the first time we went with Megan we were SHOCKED that she was just plowing through our food. Cheese quesadilla be damned. She wanted our shredded cheese, pinto beans, tortilla chips, and chicken. Who am I to question her desires? (I promise there's a reason for all this seemingly unnecessary detail)
Tonight, when we rolled up Megan was in great spirits. She had just knocked back a sippy cup with apple juice so I understand. I ordered her the usual chicken quesadilla and, also as usual, the very cheery staff reminded me that the chicken has a slightly spicy marinade. They do this every time. And I KNOW they don't know me from the next guy with a toddler and they do it as a safety precaution. But it gets annoying to hear every time. "Yes, I know there's some spice in the meat. She can handle it. Yes, it IS strange she likes it." Rinse. Repeat.
I even thoughtfully got an extra helping of pinto beans to keep her from digging her grubby paws into mine. What could possibly go wrong? This was going to be a perfect dinner date with daddy. Not quite.
She took one bite of her quesadilla, chewed it for a few seconds, and then pulled it out and started scraping at her tongue with her finger. Of course. Of ALL nights. I could feel the staffers checking us out and silently shaking their heads in an "I told you so" fashion. They probably weren't but that's what I thought. No problem. She at least has the pinto beans to munch on. Nope. Wouldn't even taste them. ARGH!
However she did find something she liked. A new word even from last week. Cheese. Lots of cheese. Once she ran out, we were nearing meltdown mode unless she got more. Normally I would have no problem taking her outside for a timeout or whatever, but because I didn't want that "I told you so" moment from the staff I had to sheepishly go back to the counter and beg for some more shredded cheese as if there were no problems with the rest of her diet. They were super nice, but I can't believe all she wanted to eat was a cup of cheese (notice the cheese cup in the picture above).
Of course, after all that cheese I'm not sure what the aftermath will be tomorrow from her dietary choice, but that's all part of being a parent, right? Learning on the fly?
Isn't it so very interesting how children will like some food item one day and not the next, and vice versa? I could live on cheese too, so I am eager to introduce her to some of my favorites one day (French sheep's milk, bleu, Myzithra, Asiago,...).
mmmm.... cheese.... the sole reason I am not a vegan.
I bet that little girl is looking forward to my pies!
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