Wednesday, November 25, 2009


(Regular readers … I apologize but this week is my turn to recap the “So You Think You Can Dance” episodes. Don’t fear. We’ll be back tomorrow with your regularly scheduled programming.)

Top TWELVE in the Hizzouse!

After a quick “West Side Story”esque opening with the guys and girls preening, they thankfully leave to the intoxicating accent of Cat Deeley. Loved the dress this week although the earrings seemed a bit chunky. But I’m probably a fish out of water on that.

Last week for same partners … so we have another lame, forced question montage. This week: What will they miss most about their partner. And everyone dances TWICE tonight. That means TWO TIMES the recap?!?! Oh crap.

Up first … Ellenore and Ryan. Ellenore will miss his perfectionism and his muscles. Ryan will miss her quirkiness. One couple in and I can already tell these answers are contrived.  As I’m watching this I always wonder if these dancers end up hooking up with each other because of all the time spent rehearsing and being with each other? Like I got the vibe that Kevin and Karen were into each other. Now Ryan’s married and Ellenore’s plain weird so I know they’re not, but maybe other ‘couple’ answers will be different than the lame answers given by these two. We’ll see.

Anyway they kick off the show with the Lindy Hop! Seems like it would be a good fit for them because of his desire to show his masculinity and her goofiness. Ryan definitely looked comfortable in this dance although a couple of lifts looked forced. If I wasn’t writing a recap I would’ve fast forwarded. No wow factor and music from 1940 doesn’t do it. During the judges segment we hear Ryan hurt his back this week, maybe that’s why the lifts seemed forced. Adam and Mary loved it … btw, did anybody else notice Adam calling out Mary’s botox last week. I love him now. Even Nigel loved it. Whatever. I’m street. Give me more hip-hop.

Dance #2 – Broadway routine and the temptation of fame. Thought this was a MUCH better dance than their first one. Ellenore’s character fit her personality well and I bought into the characters they were portraying.

Kathryn and Legacy – Here’s a couple I think might be more than just dance partners if you know what I’m sayin’. Legacy even says Kathryn has helped him with his body … hmmm. And she will miss his presence. Yeah, they’re playing tonsil hockey. Oh boy. Jazz number. But I like these two so I’ll force myself to watch … Definitely NOT digging Kathryn’s outfit. It looks like it’s from a swimsuit shoot from 1986. Not sure what quantified this as jazz. He did his breaking routine and she did gymnastics. Wasn’t a fan. Even Shankman loves their ‘chemistry’. All the judges loved it. I officially would not be allowed to be the mystery fourth judge.

Dance #2 – Waltz. Kathryn plays Legacy’s guardian angel. Loved the song with this one from “Red Jumpsuit Apparatus” which helped me buy into it. Very fluid and I like Legacy changing from a b-boy into a more versatile dancer. Their eye contact with each other in this one was electric. POW!

Karen and Viktor – New couple. Victor wants to ride on her hot tamale train. Umm, what? The dance is supposed to combine lust, desire, and passion … me likey. Their number was sort of goth ballroom. And unfortunately I never really felt the heat between them like this dance should’ve conveyed. I hated it, judges loved it. I’ve quit trying.

Dance #2 – Karen + Hip-Hop = Hott. Or at least it should. If it had been Kevin still with her I think it could’ve been but Viktor doesn’t really scream street to me, and the whole thing seemed like it was in quicksand.

Nathan and Mollee – Meh. Who cares. My least favorite pairing. They would be great in the next version of “High School Musical.” Maybe they should go audition over there. BUT they are doing hip-hop so it could be hot. The whole dance revolves around the telephone. Nope. I found a suburban white girl who can’t dance hip hop. And let’s be honest, Nathan wasn’t hot either. There’s no WAY the judges can be about this. If they skewered Ryan and Ellenore a few weeks ago then they have to MURDER these two. Annnnddddd … the judges agreed with me. Their words said “it was okay” but their tone meant “you sucked.”

Dance #2 – A SYTYCD FIRST …. THE CAN CAN w/ choreographer Tyce Diorio. Outside of Robson, I think he’s my favorite choreographer. Mollee just looked like a little girl again in this number. Nathan almost kicked her on one of his turns during the transition.

Noelle and Russell – My BOI. Her hugs give him a better vibe. Hmmm. They’re going to tear up the samba tonight. For the record, I don’t like the orange haired choreographer lady. Noelle looking like a “hot tamale” tonight. Russell looked uncomfortable at points, but Noelle was having fun. Shankman said they seemed “too nice” and I agreed with him. But I blame that pumpkin-haired lady for not spicing it up. She’s way too old, she doesn’t know sexy. I’m nervous for these guys.

Dance #2 – Another Tyce Diorio number, but a contemporary piece. Diorio knocks these out of the park. This was a great number … perhaps I’m biased to the contemporary dances but this was awesome in my world.

GMP and Jakob – I know some of you are jumping on the Ashleigh bandwagon, but I refuse, so she remains GMP to me. I like Russell more, but even I know Jakob is the better dancer. If he doesn’t win this thing I would be shocked. I thought this was the best dance of the night so far. Judges agree. Nigel even professes his love for Sonia’s choreography. I want to see GMP w/o Jakob. Will she look as good paired with Nathan or Viktor? We’ll see.

Dance #2 – The Cha-Cha. GMP should dominate this and take the lead. Nice to see Jakob having to take the backseat to her in this dance. The GMP definitely stole the show with this one. Sweet dance and a way to take ballroom to a more contemporary feel. Jakob said following Asheligh was “terrifying and exciting” … I think that’s what GMP’s husband says at night with her. ZING.

After tonight I would think the Bottom 3 solely on dancing would be: Nathan and Mollee, Karen and Viktor, and Russell and Noelle. It pains me to type that but that’s my take.


Rachel said...

Did you really bypass the awkwardness of Legacy crying after his ballroom routine, talking about hope and then the judges STILL did not love it? Legacy tried to pull the "ladies love a man who can cry" card and the judges handed it right back to him. But, I might love him a little bit....
When Cathrine came out for the first number in the bathing suit looking thing....I totally thought her boobs were exposed!!! Glad I was wrong.

I do not love Russell and Noelle...but I LOVED their second routine, with the paint? Brilliant!

I think GMP and Jakob have a good shot at Going. All. The. Way. They are really good.

Nathan and Mollee are hanging on by a thread. They better hope to get a better partnership!!!! And who dances with a phone???

Don't think the judges like Laurie Ann very much. In fact, Adam just about said out right that he didn't like her choreography. I love Sonia!!!!

All that being said...Good job, Brian and Happy Thanksgiving!

Crafty P said...

Great job, Brian... Happy day after Thanksgiving!

Almost forgot to hop in and give my thoughts on this week's shows! eeks!
love me some Ellenore and Ryan- still Kathryn and Legacy are faves of mine too. And yes, I've jumped on board the Ashleigh train. I mean, she's good, Brian. Really good. Jakob is amazing. I just can't understand how someone (especially a guy) can jump like he does- the flexibility baffles me!
Thought this week's show was fun and more exciting than last week. Maybe it was Cat's amazing dress. I wasn't a huge fan of the earrings either - kept thinking her lobes were going to tear in two.
just sayin'

I was pretty shocked by the super positive response to the can-can. Now, I love a good can-can, but that one just didn't do it for me. Nigel annoys me at times with his completely inappopriate comments- telling us about the history of the can can wasn't necessary and illicted that goofy comment from moooolllllleeeee about how she was wearing her underoos. ugh. nigel needs to get a hobby.

i'm getting nervous for russell and noelle, too. I need to seem them with someone else. Excited for next week, but I'm with Mary in that I'm sad to see GMP and Jakob split up. They do rock the partnership house.

I was flabbergasted when they announced that the dance on the elimination night was choreographed by NapTab! I totally thought I saw Robson's fingerprints all over that.... it was so quirky and very cirque de soliel.

Maybe you'll have another post on who was let go... I won't say much more until I know you've all watched both shows!

till then....

ps. brian, do you watch glee?