As you can tell from the title, I thought this thing was over when she turned one. Apparently not. Look at that face ... she was grumpy when she heard I had not informed the public of her latest exploits. So "if you pardon, [I] will mend."
In all honesty, we've finally found a new house in Grand Rapids and we've had it for about 3 weeks (basically since we returned from Disney) and we still don't have Internet access at the house. So I'm having to come to the local library and mooch their Internet access to appease my mother and all of you others who still continue to check this site before banging your head on the table wondering when I will write something.
That day is today.
And we have major Megan news to report. As of last night, she has now summoned the ability to climb stairs. Please don't tell child services this story, but here's how we learned about her feat:
Last week when one of us would be upstairs Megan would look up from the bottom of the stairs and yell up to us in a forceful plea to come down there and play with her/pick her up and carry up the stairs. I found it cute to taunt her from the second floor and implore her to come meet me. However she would just hold the bottom banister and just gaze heavenward up at me.
Well, last night Jillian was in the kitchen making dinner and I heard Megan crawl away from the living room into the front hallway. Thinking there was no danger there I let her go. About a minute later Jill yells in to me that Megan has climbed the stairs. I bolt into the hallway and sure enough she has managed to ascend four stairs and is looking back at us with a super sized grin on her face. She is obviously extremely proud of her new accomplishment.
After dinner with a more observant parent force we watched as she climbed the entire set of stairs. It was a huge ceremony celebrated with fruit snacks and raised blood pressure on my part as she becomes much more mobile.
And because we have hardwood stairs that lead to a tiled entryway, my first trip out today was to Babies 'R Us for a gate to keep her from falling down them. I've been imploring her to walk for what seems like ages now, but seeing the harm she can get into, I'm beginning to question that philosophy.
In any case, rest assured that our family is doing well, we have a wonderful new (to us) house perfect for summer visitors, and who can resist an entrance with such a beautiful face?
Oh my gosh! Megan has changed so much since we last saw her. I cannot tell you how eager we are to hold her again (just a few more days).
Thank you for working extra hard to get this out, Brian. I didn't realize you were without Internet all this time...I cannot imagine :-)
You're alive!!
Glad to see you're settling in. And the Meg is breaking out!
Also- don't you have a blackberry? Doesn't that have internet? I don't know, I'm not savvy about things like this....
Yay! Thanks for the update, Brian! It's so nice to see that cute little face and read about her antics while I have my morning coffee!
So cute - I can't believe she's old enough to climb stairs! Reading about Megan is like looking into the future for us - I need your updates so I know what is coming.
I hope all is well - miss you guys!
That's so exciting, but scary. She's so adorable! And I'm loving the argyle sweater vest. I miss her. Love the new house, fyi. I'm glad that everything's going well and you've updated. I guess you'll see this during your next library trip, enjoy! :)
I know how you feel. I love watching Sara walk, but I hate what she can get into.
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