Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Omaha Cousins

We were pumped to host the family this past weekend. My parents along with my sister's family all came into town to meet the new member to the brood. Beforehand, I was worried about how the boys would respond to teeny, tiny Megan. She's fragile, precious, and these boys, god love 'em, but they're boys and boys are rough-and-tumble.
However, they were both great with Megan. Seth was fantastic at being a 'big cousin'. He wanted to sit next to her in the car, he was convinced that rubbing her forehead helped soothe her, and he liked holding her and held out hope he could even feed her. We decided to wait until the next visit to move to that step. 

(Megan's first shrimp ... there IS some cajun blood in her)

It was crazy seeing how big they've gotten. I know I sound like the cliche uncle. All I was missing was the cheek pinch, but I can't get over how large they've gotten and using them as measuring sticks for Megan. Christian is a story teller, he loves playing video games, and is very introspective. Seth is rambunctious, loves to be outside, and has a soft side. Watching them and talking about their growth with Jillian had me pondering about Megan's future. Whatever it entails, she will most likely be vocal. This weekend was further evidence that Jill's mom is right. Megan is going to be extremely 'vocal' about her feelings. We all got to hear some of her ear-piercing shrieks over the weekend.

But thanks to my folks and my sister's family for coming all that way to visit. We loved playing the host.

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