Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Day of Firsts: Shopping and McDonald's (sort of)

In an it's-never-too-early to begin indoctrinating Megan into the ways of capitalism, along with Grandma and Grandpa Boote, we took full advantage of the first gorgeous spring day by heading to the outlet mall 40 minutes from our house. We loaded up baby, stroller, diaper bag, several burp cloths, two blankets, two changes of clothes for Megan, four adults, two coffees and two water bottles into the car and headed out. Whew.

We can report back that Megan did very well during her first day shopping. Or at least that's what I was told. After slogging through the Pottery Barn Outlet with the ladies for the first 45 minutes of our excursion, my father-in-law and I graciously excused ourselves to shop on our own instead of tagging with the ladies (an aside ... I will admit that the ladies were done shopping before the guys though. Who knew that would happen?). In fact, due to the piles of pink cotton jumpsuits in her closet, she ended up only having one outfit purchased for her ... and that was from me! Argh, already wrapped around her finger.

So although I never saw Megan, I was told she did well. During the course of our five-hour excursion, she slept almost the whole time, minus a diaper change in the dressing room of Banana Republic. However, five hours is WAY beyond her limit for feeding, so before heading home, Megan got to experience her other first ... McDonald's.

Obviously while the rest of us knocked back cokes, she had a bottle of milk, she was still indoctrinated into the red-and-yellow psychological brainwash of our society. Let's hope she doesn't remember too much from her experience.


Unknown said...

daddy!! i wanted the redhead bratz doll in my happy meal! waaaaaahhhhh!! get me my toy! (at this point, megan proceeds to throw herself on the floor and scream her head off until she gets a bratz doll that she can relate to)... see what you started?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jillian and Brian--This is Jen (Owen) Oshman. I saw your blog address on Sandra's blog so I checked it out. CONGRATS! Megan is beautiful. I thought I'd chime in to let you know that all the spit up is normal! I have three daughters and all three of them spit up a TON until they were about 8 months. They spit up so much that the baby and whoever was holding her had to change clothes more than once a day! They've all been full term and they've all been in the 95th percentile (my husband is tall too!) and they've all been mega-spitters. Not to worry. The docs always told me that more was going down then I could tell. Anyway--congrats to your sweet family.
Take care,

Courtney said...

You know what that baby totally needs? A ROAD TRIP! Woohoo. We've got outlet malls here and Eat n Park puts Mickey D's to SHAME! I'll be waiting by the door....

Anonymous said...

UMMMM, I was looking forward to a Parsons-Boote sighting on Sunday at VCC - TO NO AVAIL! Missed you guys! I'll pray for your salvation.