Thursday, April 10, 2008

What day is it?

The biggest example of how my life has changed since Megan has arrived, is that my DVR is now growing a gelatinous belly and can no longer fit into it's skinny jeans. I'm trying to watch all the things I used to watch (yes, even you 'The Hills') and it's just become an impossible mess.

In addition, we get a fair assortment of magazines that come to our house. We like to stay well read so we get People, Golf Digest, and Sports Illustrated. You know, to stay worldly. But I also get Esquire that comes every month. The latest issue showed up on my doorstep a few days ago and I realized that last month's issue is still on the coffee table collecting dust. And this is WITH our parents helping us out for three of the first six weeks. What is going on? Is this how it starts? Will I become the guy who doesn't know who got booted out of the latest 'Survivor'? Will I be clueless as to recession because I'm too focused on Megan's fine motor skills? Will I not know who was the best/worst dressed at the Oscars or who is pregnant with whose baby in the celebrity arena? Probably. But I'm okay with that. Because my world revolves around a seven-pound amalgam of fleshy thighs, pudgy arms, and sparkly eyes.

This past week has been bustling with activity; we had FOUR generations of Ponstein/Boote/Parsons women at our house this past weekend, we started the slow, painful process of interviewing/touring various schools for Megan for when Jill and I are both at work this Fall, we've been entertaining Jillian's parents this week (although really they've been taking care of us mostly), AND Jillian's brother and sister are coming in this weekend. By this point, the neighbors who haven't found out we have a baby yet, probably think we're running some sort of suburban hostel with all the comings and goings of folk.

So once my life settles down (ha, ha) from preparing my AP students for their upcoming tests, coaching the boys tennis team after school, and trying to be a supportive husband/son-in-law there will be more photo montages and stories to come.


Laura said...

You will become much more selective in your TV and reading...especially once they start to go to bed later (8 pm bedtime doesn't leave a lot of "me" time). But not to worry, I am still fully in the know of the celeb uterus watch, MSN entertainment is very informative. =) But, the trade off is pretty good! Thanks for all of the updates and great pictures!

Gram said...

Time...where does it all go? ...and I wish I could tell you it gets better, but like Laura said above, children only consume more of it as they get older... Until you find a few minutes extra to post new photos, however, I can look at her "classy and sophisticated" Easter photo any time!