Friday, March 28, 2008


All concerns about Megan being smaller than other babies can now be put to rest. She had her first month doctor visit today and we found out that she grew an inch, to 19, AND she now weighs ....

SIX pounds and ELEVEN ounces!!! Only one person from our poll question on the right correctly identified her weight gain. Congratulations to you, Person X!

The scale is right outside the exam room, so Jill just stayed in there while I placed Megan in the scale. The scale is a bit reminiscent to the ones in the produce section at the grocery store, minus the hanging from the ceiling part. The nurse started at five pounds and nudged the weight over, and over, and over. It went all the way across and still no movement of the scale. I squealed at Jill that she had eclipsed six pounds. Then the nurse kept sliding the weight over some more. And some more. Until it hit the 11 ounce mark my mouth kept getting wider and wider. Walking back into the room, I just held Megan and returned Jill's incredulous stare. We couldn't believe it. She didn't feel heavier over the past two weeks, and yet she basically added nearly 40% to her body weight. In retrospect, I guess deep frying her bottles in lard would add a few more calories, but who knew it would help her gain that much weight?

(Umm, maybe we should have seen her 'growth' before the doctor visit)

Our doctor said we can now phase out the formula we had been mixing in to her milk that was adding calories to her diet. Jillian and I have now decided she is no longer a pre-term baby. With this much weight, she has now graduated to our beautiful, normal baby girl.


Gram said...

And just yesterday you worried that she was spitting up too much! ...goes to show you she is a normal baby after all. Good work!

Gram said...

I forgot to ask: Was that 6-11 with or without shoes? (all the females reading this blog will get that one :-)

Laura said...

She is definitely a normal girl! Now you know the spit up is nothing to be concerned about--though it is unpleasant, it does eventually stop. =) Cheers to Megan's growth and Jillian's efforts to keep the food coming!

Anonymous said...

I will take credit for the correct weight guess...! We had high hopes for Miss Megan. =) Does that mean my name gets tossed in the raffle for some one-on-one time with Megan next time are in town?!?!

parsons said...

um ... no raffle needed. Next time in Cincinnati, just let us know and we will gladly pawn off, er, I mean let you hold her.

So are you coming to Cincy soon?

Unknown said...

one more pound and a half and you can bjorn that baby up! go megan! that belly shot is too funny.