Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Processing Plant

(The Processing Plant in question ... she looks cute, but stand back)

A question to all the parents out there. At what point should I be concerned with the amount of liquid coming OUT of my child? I'm thisclose to seeing at what age you can be labeled with an eating disorder, because it seems to me that 2 ounces of every 4 is coming right back out on me, the burp cloth, possibly the couch a little (unless you're coming to visit, then definitely not the couch. Don't be scared to sit down. It's scotch-guarded. Swear).

And in the interest of full disclosure, I am not a bodily fluid guy. Perhaps it's from being raised by females, but I've never laughed at the typical fart/burp jokes that makes boys giggle. However, like a modern-day Abraham, I feel that I'm being tested to see what I truly believe about my dislike of fluids. Everyday my senses are honed to the perpetual processing plant that is my daughter. Various colors of differing viscosities fly out of every orifice. I shudder to think of what's to come. Normally I've taken everything in stride. The diaper changes, despite the pre-birth ribbing, are really not that difficult.

It's the feedings. I FEAR the feedings. I thought only feeding her an ounce at a time, burping, and repeating would work. Give her time to digest and all. Nope. That experiment cost me a shirt, her an outfit, one burp cloth, and a boppy. Once I said, screw it, she sucked down all 3 ounces before burping her. Umm ... I'd rather not relive that escapade. Let's just say that option will never happen again. Earlier tonight her spittle got on the remote. NOOOO!!! So we're at our wits end. Thankfully, Jillian understands my limitations and weaknesses and is helping me deal with this new found 'excitement' of childhood.

Hence my plea for help. I know babies spit up ... but should it be shooting out of noses? Should it be, what seems, an excessive amount? Egads.


Courtney said...

I am of no help on this topic (or any child rearing topic really!) but I wanted to thank you for the post. I consider it my back-up birth control. ;)

Good luck!

Jenn Loftus said...

parson family, i wanted to say how wonderful it was to see you all yesterday. i mean of course little megan was the center of attention, but jillian you look great and i have never seen people look so happy! enjoy this spring and your time together! hope we get more visits as the weather gets nicer.

Unknown said...

I think she is trying to say "Go Blue!" there.

Claire said...

I think my cousin who had a preemie had lots of spit-up and reflux issues. Maybe just because their systems still have some catching up to do?

I don't care what you say about her spit up issues - she's adorable!

How's Jillian doing?

Laura said...

Mommmy side: Ahhh, Just wait. I will admit, there was one day that so much "blew" out of Max when I was home on leave and Daddy was at work--I photographed the event. Spit up...normal, it looks and feels like a lot more than goes in (graphic words--bile is mixed in there). You could try different bottles. The Playtex with disposable liners worked for us, as did the Dr. Brown's for friends.

MS in Child Dev.: Your little one isn't even at "term" developmentally b/c she was early. It takes longer for preemies to catch up with their digestive processes. She'll get there.

Things look up...daily laundering only lasts so long... we're down to once a week.

Christina said...

Hi. I wish I could tell you something worthy here but when my boys spit up, it was mostly because they ate too much. Seth was a big eater and still is!! I wonder if it is normal for preemies since they are still developing to term? I am sure your pediatrician will know. But regardless, spit ups get every where!

Anonymous said...

you are a modern-day abraham for dealing with burps?

parsons said...

Dear 'Sharks with Lasers',

Good point. Last night when I was typing it, I had that conversation with Jill. Is this a fair simile?

I see your point ... but my whole thing is that I felt like God was testing my sanity to see if I can overcome this issue and be a better parent ... much like he tested Abraham to see if he could follow through with his committment.

I realize my sacrifice versus that of maybe giving up your child is a bit of a stretch ... but at least that was my rationale.