Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So we're having a baby. YEA! Everything's sunshine and rainbows. EXCEPT, we live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Which is great, but how many of you live there too? Not many. Maybe like 3 or 4. Which means you're left in the dark as to the develpment and growth of our li'l spud. Right now, according to the charts, you currently don't' know that our baby is technically 9 inches long and roughly a pound.

We created this site so those of you who are far away from us (like the soon-t0-be grandparents, great-grandparents, friends, family, etc.) can keep tabs on the growth and development of our beautiful, baby girl. So the power is in your hands. Come here daily, or come here once a year. Your call. But this way we can satisfy your baby needs, and not feel obligated to bore you to death with photos of 'Baby Girl Parsons' (we don't have a name yet) every time we get together. We are blessed to have you guys in our lives to share in a special joy like this.

Here is what one website says Jillian is going through right now: "Your baby is doing acrobatics in the womb: kicking, flipping around and turning regularly ... You may start noticing even more pregnancy aches and pains. Your skin will start really stretching again, and can become itchy and dry." Ah yes, the joys of pregnancy. How could you NOT want to be pregnant with such wonderful things to look forward to like that? I'm jealous I can't experience those types of traumas, um, I mean blessings.

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