Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, here we are. Day 30. A monumental task has been completed, but one that in all actuality I found to be quite enjoyable. In the past there had always been a lot of 'mini' stories but I always felt compelled to craft long column-esque type of pieces that seemed to convey a greater message. Because of that I didn't post as much, and probably did a disservice to you, my reader.

I think the biggest thing I've taken from this month's experience is to not worry so much about that and just capture the moment in our life at that period, however brief that may be. So that's what I will set out to do. Am I planning to post everyday in December? No. Will I post tomorrow? Yes. Some nights life just gets in the way and makes it hard to do. But I will commit to being more proactive in getting pictures up more regularly with as much witty and snarky commentary as I can in the future. Thanks for following along this month. Without the constant comments from you, with special gratitude to my mom and Court, I wouldn't have had the strength to continue.

For the final post of the week I offer up a few candid pictures that were captured the same night I took the pictures of her analyzing the tree. These were 'throwaway' pics that I took while we played 'Peekaboo.' It wasn't until I looked at them later that I realized how cute they turned out.


Aunt Christine said...

So cute! Megan and I played peekaboo for quite a while at Grandma & Grandpa's house and it was delightful! Just her little toes were sticking out from behind the curtain. Definitely a fond memory for me of our wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I hope we get to see you all again in the very near future!!

Christina said...

Nicely done Brian! Thanks for a month filled of wonderful pictures and stories about your family. I have truly enjoyed them. It certainly makes up for the distance between Nebraska and Michigan. I really miss seeing you all. Keep it up! and BTW...Tom Brady is going down! Drew Brees FTW!

Gram said...

THANK YOU! I know it was a huge effort on your part, and I truly appreciate it.

One question: How could you possibly classify the bottom photo a "throw away"? It is perfect because it is as if Megan is smiling directly at me.

Courtney said...

You did it!! (And I enjoyed it). Next challenge- one post a month that is more Brian related than Megan related. I love that little girl, but I miss hearing about YOU sometimes too. (but maybe if it's always adorable peekaboo pictures I could be ok with that too)

K D Riel said...

Let's clarify Courtney's comments...I hope she means adorable peekaboo pics of Megan, not Brian!

Just kidding! We love all the Parsons' people! Great work, Brian! Nicely done for achieving the goal!

Aunt Jacqui said...

Peekaboo pic = absolutely adorable. I miss her already...and you :)