Thursday, November 12, 2009

Megan Mornings

I thought the stage where Megan did something new everyday was over when she left her true infancy. I'm pleasantly finding that even at this stage of toddlerdom there are cool new 'firsts' still going on.

Jillian was out of town this week (as I mentioned yesterday) in Chicago which means I had to get up with Megan in the morning and get her breakfast. This is not my favorite part of the day. It takes me a long time to wake up and on these days, basically Megan starts wailing and I have no choice but to go and grab her. So I'm always slightly groggy. Plus, I don't eat breakfast. Moms everywhere are aghast at that statement but I've never been a big breakfast guy. I'd rather sleep in. As such I never know what to give her. Most mornings it's juice and cinnamon toast. Whatever. She gets a second breakfast when she gets to daycare so I don't feel too guilty.

A few weeks ago she sloppily ate some cereal while manipulating the spoon all by herself. So this morning I gave her some applesauce and decided to see what would happen. Well, what happened was that she completely floored me with how she manhandled the applesauce. I grabbed my camera and took some pictures of it. Then when I downloaded them and stared at the pictures it was striking just how old she looked to me. Maybe you can be a better judge, but it's so amazing to see my little girl continue to grow right in front of my eyes. Who knew you could learn so much from starting your day with breakfast?


Gram said...

It is so cool when we can take a few minutes to see and think about things instead of spending our brains doing things!

I wonder if you think she is "getting older" because more and more she looks like Jillian (facial expressions and mannerisms)? That is what I see and think about!

Thanks for all the posts, long and short.

K D Riel said...

LOVE the morning bedhead pics!!! What a cutie pie!

FYI - yogurt is our morning go-to breakfast. It's simple, and Reva now believes every morning starts with yogurt. I like the cinnamon toast idea, though, too!

Thanks for sharing. She's growing up too fast. Maybe you should work on #2?!?!

Shayna said...

Awww, these pictures are simply adorable. She's so cute..especially with the morning hair :) I miss her so much.