Mom ... (I assume she's one of two readers still left at this point) ... hold on to your hat. My friend Courtney over at her blog reminded me that November is National Blog Posting Month. No really, I'm serious. And she provides great rationale for why I should kick myself in the tush (this is STILL a blog about a little girl) and get cracking too. My goal is to provide a post every day for the month, and then hopefully, that will lead into a more natural routine in the months ahead as well. So thanks Court.
Anyway, given the premise of the post today I thought I would share Megan's new found enjoyment with technology. As with most things it started out harmlessly at first. I would let Megan sit next to me while I checked my Facebook account or read ESPN columns. She would try to touch the keys and we would bicker back and forth in gibberish on what she was allowed/not allowed to do.
That apparently was the gateway into laptop usage. Since then things have spiraled crazily out of control. I found out that Fisher-Price has online games for infants and toddlers that help them learn their ABC's and counting numbers. In the picture above she is celebrating the loading up of the game. So now ANYTIME she sees the laptop she goes ballistic and has to be on it.
In fact, one morning I'm embarrassed to admit, when Jill was gone Meg slept in bed with me and when she woke up she waddled over to my side of the bed and tried to pick up the laptop and hand it to me. In an extreme state of grogginess, I grumbled "No, Megan" and turned my head. I must've fallen back asleep for a few minutes because when I looked around I saw Megan sleeping on the laptop, using it as a pillow.
Sooo I'm not sure if I should be excited about this given the future of computers in our society, or concerned that I've created a techno-monster.

That's cute! Christian was even with me while reading this blog and was estatic that he is a "techno-monster" as well. LOL You know what? Christain started out on the computer with the "Mickey Mouse Toddler" CD learning his ABC's and 123's. Once they start, there's no stopping.
The pictures that go along with this are priceless. A little scary, but a lot cute. You'll be happy when her techie brain is paying for your retirement home rent! :)
YEAH for posting everyday!! I did that one year... it was fun! but now, alas, I am a bum.
Your titles and stories are always so clever, Brian. And I agree with others that the pictures also help to tell your story. I'll look forward to every day's entry.
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