Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Whew. Finally, a day of perspective. Jillian and the girls are out taking advantage of Black Friday sales, John is visiting friends from home for the afternoon, and Megan is down for a nap. It's just me and the dogs  relaxing.

Yesterday was fabulous. We kicked off the day with a short 4.2 mile Turkey Trot run around Reeds Lake. There was initial talk that Megan may join us but when the weather that morning was 34 degrees and drizzly, she decided to pass. However, she did decide to take a short break from her breakfast to wish us well. A great start to a day full of caloric intake.

Earlier in the week, I decided to fry a turkey for the first time and introduce the northern family to a southern delicacy. But that also meant nervous anxiety on my part that I didn't screw it up. Luckily, I didn't and it was absolutely delicious, but unfortunately Megan decided to be a tad finicky yesterday, and bypass the turkey and head straight for the sweet potatoes. Surprisingly, she was rather dainty in her food consumption, with the exception of dessert. She loved her ice cream. The pumpkin pie didn't quite meet her approval for some reason, but the ice cream was all good. 

Properly nourished, Megan LOVED having all these people in her house. She loved the dogs mostly, but she craves the attention. Anytime the attention towards her seemed to be waning, she would fly in to the room, giggling and squealing. 

Before bedtime we tried to have family game night and play Trivial Pursuit but that didn't quite go as planned because of Meg. She was great as our all-time dice roller, but she also wanted to be the full-time piece mover and board destroyer. It was about this point that the day caught up to her and she was whisked away to bed. 

1 comment:

K D Riel said...

WOW! Posted early in the day by Parsons' standards! I'm impressed! Looks like a great time was had by all! Miss you guys, but glad you're well!

Also glad to hear that the turkey went well! I always knew you could do it!

I knew that Meg-O and I had lots in common; I'm no pumpkin pie eater either, but all of us Riels love our ice cream (some more than others - I think you know who that means).