(Ed. note - I told this story to Jillian this morning and decided I HAD to share it with the world. Foreshadowing is big in this piece, and I would suggest not drinking apple juice while reading.)
Yesterday was a tough day personally. Not because of Megan. I found a handyman on craigslist because we wanted to replace the laminate on our bathroom vanity and fix a cabinet. Well, he showed up, couldn't fix the cabinet, and took 11 hours to glue 3 pieces of laminate over top of existing laminate. I was internally livid. But I had this fear that at any point he might start attacking me, so I played nice.
Jillian is out of town until late tonight so once he left it was just Megan, who was already asleep, and me. I tried going to bed at a normal time but couldn't fall asleep. It was my first night at home without Jillian and I'm not used to the sounds in the house. So I kept convincing myself it was the freaky handyman coming back to hatchet me into bits. So I didn't fall asleep until 1:30.
(At this point I know you're like ... get to the story already. Simmer down. The back story is important.)
ANYWAY, Megan woke up from her bed at 5 am. (Thanks sweetie.) But I took her into my room and we fell back asleep together. I woke up at 6:30 to her trying to climb our headboard like it was El Capitan. That unnerved me. So I groggily picked her up, went downstairs to get her morning sippy cup, and carried her back upstairs.
On the way, I needed to use the bathroom. I took the sippy cup from her which caused her some angst so I grabbed the nearby pacifier. Now I couldn't put her on the bed because I'd be scared she would crawl off. And I couldn't put her on the floor because I hadn't cleaned up from the mess of the vanity job of the previous day/night (see I told you the backstory was important). So I just held her, in the dark of the morning, while I used the bathroom.
It was about midway through when she took the pacifier out of her mouth and started fiddling with it. In my best pleading voice I told my little precious to pleasepleaseplease not drop it in the toilet. She was perilously close, I could tell.
Well, right when I was finished, I leaned over to flush and heard this; SPLASH! Ugh. "Megan," I grumbled and shuffled her over to the bed. At this point I couldn't flush it because the pacifier would clog it up. So I had to put her on the bed (which I didn't want to do, but had to) and walked back over, turned on the light, and had to fish out the pee-covered pacifier.
It went in the trash can (although my wife asked me that question I guess assuming I might try to wash it off?!?! O ye of little faith my dear.) and I washed my hands vigorously.
After that it was our normal morning routine. But thought you'd appreciate a peek in the day of a life of a 14-month-old. Every day ... such a blessing.
i would have just washed the pacifier off and given it back to her... i'm just sayin...
Hahahaha. This story just made my day. That WOULD happen to you. Oh little Meg, I love her. She knows what she's doing :)
just wait...so many more opportunities to reach into a toilet with untolds in it!
I would have washed it off and then mailed it to Riel's baby. I'm just sayin...
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