Whew. Well, we survived the first birthday party weekend. It is currently the day of Megan's birth, even though the calendar says its March 1st. Jillian's dad is rocking her to sleep because she is completely wiped out from the events of the weekend. She is lucky to have someone to rock her. The rest of us don't have that option. But let's go back in time ...
I thought her birthday party went really well. Obviously the day was all about Megan but as her parents we battle the tight-wire act of people who want to see and interact with her and her desire to not cater to our wants and worry about any person who enters within a 5-foot perimeter of her space. Overall she did really well, looked absolutely adorable, and enjoyed pigging out on her first taste of chocolate.
We are grateful for the friends and family who celebrated with us for her birthday. Trust me, a one year old's birthday is not the most glamorous of events, but to us this is a moment we will treasure forever.
As a parent I think one of the biggest traits I've gained is that of selective memory. So I've already forgotten about my sore arms and bleeding ear drums from her minor tantrums and instead remember the smile on her face from playing with the huge mylar balloon that Pete brought, her apprehension and excitement at eating her birthday cake, the pride in Jillian's eyes as Megan waddled around the room playing with her toys, and just my sheer gratitude that we've been blessed to have such a little 'peanut' to hold and nurture. I don't think I stand outside myself enough and reflect on how much she has enhanced my world.
Days go by and life happens, some days I never saw her because I was gone, some days I saw her for only a few hours, and others we spent the whole day together but I've lived in the moment of survival. Hopefully as we embark on the next chapter of our life here in Michigan I can make a resolution to embrace all that Megan brings into our lives just a little more ...
... including the icky moments. Like after everyone left, apparently Megan decided to 'share' her germs with the rest of the family. So Sunday was an infirmary of sorts as the family dealt with the 24-hour bug Megan graced them with. I was fortunate to escape relatively unscathed. To good times and bad, I cherish the time I have with Megan. Because even in one year, she has grown so fast, and I'm scared already of letting her go.
Happy Birthday Megan. In light of the weekend, remember these words, "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." I can think of no better words of wisdom.
Happy Birthday to Megan! (and congratulations to you, Brian and Jill!) Sorry we missed the fun....not sorry we missed the sickness. Hope each year gets even better than the last. Love you all!
Happy Birthday, Meg!!! I'll bring her gift soon, yay. I hope she'll love it, but of course she will :) I'm glad that it went well, and stupid work!
Megan is absolutely beautiful in candlelight! Here's wishing for a hundred more opportunities for her to shine in the glow of a birthday cake.
Add mom to my previous comment too. When I went back to admire the picture, I noticed Jillian was also glowing. I had not seen this effect previously when my focus was on the birthday girl.
Hmmm...maybe we should all surround ourselves with candlelight more often (of course, without adding more birthdays ;-)
Happy Birthday Big Girl! No worries about sharing the stomach bug, we gave our entire extended family--both sides the Norwalk virus two Christmas' ago thanks to Max. :-)
Happy Birthday, Megan!
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