In the process of setting up our life I realized I've been remiss in letting the 'extended family' know about a couple of major milestones recently. In the past couple of days, she's FINALLY decided to start crawling forwards. This is accomplished with much whining and exasperation, but she can do it.
She has learned how to wave 'bye-bye'. She mainly performs this when she's done eating and wants out of her high chair, but occasionally we can get her to wave at other times.
And, she is pulling herself up from the floor and confidently walking around the room as long as one hand is attached to furniture or other sturdy object for balancing. We practice walking everyday with her in the hopes she'll maybe walk a few steps for her birthday in three weeks, but I think that will be pushing it.
She will be with the grandparents this weekend while we head off to Chicago to celebrate the birthday of a friend ... maybe she'll walk then, who knows.
BP- When they can walk...they can run away! Have fun chasing the little star!
Finn loves these photos and would like to know how red her hair really is. Which photo is most accurate? He hopes her red is as red as his!
- S.Speed
This is why I check the Parsons blog more than once a day! I check it in the morning and have Super Bowl Megan for breakfast. I check it in the afternoon and have pictures of Meg-O for an afternoon treat, too!!!
My favorite (is it okay if I have a favorite?), is the one at the top that shows an expression of complete concentration.
I admit that the full face smile in #4 is a close second in this group of photos (BTW, thanks for so many all at once), but the picture of concentration means she is focused and thinking--a sure sign of her future success.
I love the top picture, and I have no idea why. I hope you have fun in Chi-town (my favorite city, PS) and I heard about the crazy watch excursion...sounds nice :) When does Meggo get hers?
I love the new pics. Great work, BP - you're gettin' an eye for that thing. And your subject is the cutest!
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