For the past year or so (hmm, ironically about the time Megan came along), I've had my eye on one of those super cool 'big kid' cameras, the ones you see real photographers using, the ones that make super great photos. And for a little while, I had to live in envy as my friends, Sarah, Courtney, and Jeff all had their own versions of the camera and were taking super awesome, sleek photos of their worlds.
I think I've wanted it because I've always wanted to play with photography. And since I don't have to play with creepy chemicals and can basically take a hundred photos and have ONE come out looking decent, I feel like I can handle a camera of this magnitude. So, finally, one of Jillian's co-workers was selling his to upgrade to a better one and she surprised me with an awesome gift.
Hopefully I can do the camera justice. I still have to learn fancy-pants words like aperture, ISO, white balance, etc. but hopefully I'll be taking macro photos of Megan very soon. For now, in my introductory phase, here are just a few that I took. And because I feel he's a little neglected ... there's one of Espen too ... her new found table scraps buddy.
These are great! I took lots of pictures when Christian and Seth were younger. The little 'cybershot' type cameras just doesn't cut it nowadays. I need a better camera. Have fun!
What is it, what is it? Also- We saw Marley and Me, and thought you you guys and Espen. Not b/c he's bad, just b/c I love him.
Yay for a new camera! Haha. I'm looking forward to these pictures, I have faith in you. Espen looks so sad, I understand that he misses me, but I'll see him at some point. And Meggo's hair? Nice. She's so cute, love her.
Now that you guys have moved away I feel like I can leave comments too. My Brian won one of those cameras from work and we upgraded to a Cannon Rebel. I think it turns you into a photographer instantly - so fun. I haven't seen Megan since your shower when she was oh so tiny, she is obviously thriving and absolutely beautiful!
Happy snow - we just got two days off down here!
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