Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chomp, chomp, chomp

Big 'breakthrough' in Megan's world this week. (pun intended)

She has finally started to get some teeth breaking through the gums. And here's a picture to prove it (focus on the right side of the apple). Either that or a squirrel started nibbling on this apple.
Since then our young Zorro has left her tooth mark on one of our remotes and almost sliced our fingers as we probed her gums. More will be coming soon and I wish I could show you a picture of the tooth in question, but she will NOT open her mouth for a picture of it. And at this stage we cannot force Megan to do something she doesn't want to do. That changes, right? Right?

(this concludes the post for everyone but Megan ... please feel free to leave at this point)

Megan ... last night your mom was out of town for business and I had to leave you with our wonderful babysitter while I had parent-teacher conferences. When we got home at 9:30 you woke up and didn't understand that you were supposed to go back to sleep. You thought it was playtime. It wasn't. In fact I just wanted to crash from the long day. I would hold you for about 15 minutes, rocking you, and your wide-awake eyes would stare intently at my face the whole time. Then I'd lay you in the crib and you would cry for the next 5 minutes until I came in again to repeat the process. Over. And over. And over again. Finally at 11:20 you called it a night. Why am I telling you all of this? Because when you're thirteen and want to go to a concert of 2021's version of Hannah Montana, I'm going to say no. And when you kick, scream, pout, flail, jump, huff, and ask why, I'll show you this post. And call it even.

1 comment:

Christina said...

And so the biting phase sure you're practicing good tooth brushing techniques and make it a habit. I just love your message to Megan. Good one!