Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hasta La Vista ... POLIO!!

I'm convinced I'm operating in a different space and time continuum than other folks. I swear it seems like yesterday I was putting together the video for Megan's second month of excitement, and lo and behold, it's been almost a week. Time moves differently on my planet.

So, last Friday, we had Megan's latest doctor visit. The joyful news is that she is now a 'robust' NINE pounds, one ounce. This is great news, because now it means I can break out the Baby Bjorn carrier we got as a gift from our friends, Todd and Christina, and I can tote her around hands-free. At first I viewed it as a yuppie-luxury to cart my kid around like that, but after carrying her around in her car seat for the past two months, my forearms need a break. That thing is a devious torture device.

Of course the doctor's visit wasn't all roses. It also meant four immunization shots. The event had been hyped up so I was feeling anxious about the whole procedure and when the nurse came in with four needles, a sense of panic consumed me. But 15 seconds and four stabbings (I'd use a different verb, but that's what it looked like to me) later, the nurse was applying Tweety Bird band-aids on my little girl's thighs and the shrieking in my ears was the dissonance of Megan's cries and Jillian's whimpers. And DESPITE what my loyal readers think based on their poll responses, I did NOT cry the most. Had I not been consoling my wife though, I might have. But after a day of rest and some infant Tylenol, our family was back to normal.

We are now in preparations as Megan prepares for her first visit from her cousins. My sister's family are coming in for a long family weekend along with my parents. I'm curious to see how my nephews, Christian and Seth, do with their little cousin. I'm sure they will be awesome, especially since she can't fight with them over toys. I can pretty much guarantee some photos on the blog after the weekend.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I actually voted for Jillian in crying poll. Megan is always a given as she will cry everytime so my vote was going to either you or Jillian. I still have tears in my eyes whenever the boys get shots. Even if it is a single finger prick for a blood test which they get every time. But now they do not get anymore shots until they are 12. See ya soon!!