Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our first babysitter

(Megan with her first babysitter, Anna)

Way back in August of last year, when we had just found out Jillian was pregnant with Megan, we bought season tickets to the Broadway series at the Aronoff Theatre here in town. At that point, Megan was a glint in our eye, and our friend's wife, Karen, was 6 months pregnant at the time and if she was willing to do it then we had no excuses. The first four performances were no problem. However, we missed the fifth one, 'Sweeney Todd', because Megan was delivered on the night of the performance.

(Reva and Megan ready for their parent-free afternoon)

But yesterday was the first time we were faced with the fact that we had plans and no grandparents in sight. We needed a babysitter to whom we could leave our little pumpkin without freaking out. Luckily, Jeff and I have a student who we both trust. In addition, her mom watches Jeff's daughter during the week when they're at work, so it was very easy to feel comfortable leaving our precious Megan with the babysitter and a friend, who I teach, to help her since there were two babies.

(our two babysitters with Megan's gal pal, Reva)

But despite knowing the sitter really well that didn't stop one of us from obsessing about our daughter. Ok, that person was me. Thankfully, through the miracle of technology I was able to text the sitter and get updates at various points of the performance. And at intermission she even sent a picture of Megan feeding to my phone which made me feel better. I think that's the new wave of babysitting ... e-mailed pics to the nervous parent's phone as an added feature to help cure our nerves.
(our little 'pumpkin')

In the end, Megan was fine, I was fine, and our sitters were paid handsomely for their six hours of work. So I got through this one, but what happens when Anna isn't available? And they live 25 minutes away. How will I find someone as dependable closer to my house? Ack.


Unknown said...

Megan loves being a baby!

Anonymous said...

it'll be fine. i can surely drive to you, and otherwise, there are plenty of other trustworthy individuals out there. but i must admit, none have the skills that i do. =)