Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snowed in

Mother Nature has decided to be cruel and keep us from our beautiful baby girl today. So far we have had 13' dumped on us today making the roads impassable. So no beautiful pictures of Megan today. But we did call the nursery and they assured us she was as delightful as ever.

So instead ... here's a picture of our other 'baby' trying to navigate through the snow. Hopefully, the weather will calm down and we'll see her later tonight.

I hope everybody at the wedding shower of my brother-in-law and fiancee are having a better time in Chicago. Wish we could be there.


sandra mae said...

hope you were able to go visit her last night once the "blizzard" calmed down! at least the sun is out today!

Courtney said...

I think the snow only looks deep b/c that dog has short legs. Cheap trick!