Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rubber ducky you're the one ... you make bath time so much fun

The Parsons family is on full alert this weekend. We are refusing to acknowledge the date-that-shall-not-be-named for Megan's coming home for fear of jinxing it, but everything seems to be progressing as scheduled. We brought in the car seat for her to be tested in it today, the paperwork for her hearing test, and most importantly, her outfit to have her picture taken for 'first foto'.

Well, if she's getting her picture taken, she needs to be primped right? What better way to do that than for her to suffer through her first bath given by mom and dad (and lucky for you, we have the pictures to prove it). Jill and I were nervous about the whole process until the nurse told us she used to have her four-year-old son help give her newborn a bath. Oh. I now feel like an idiot.

As I found out, it's not so much of a bath as it is a wipe down. But the best part was washing her hair. After the 'bath', we swaddled her and then washed her hair. She loved that part. While she squirmed a bit during the bath, the head massage left her smiling and very peaceful.

In addition to bath time, we also hosted some more friends who were sweet enough to bring food and other goodies to assist in our quest to make Megan the world's most spoiled baby. So thanks to them for coming out, and especially to Emma, for playing photographer for bath time fun.


sandra mae said...

yeah for bathtime! what a great idea to have someone else take pictures of the event.

Courtney said...

Awww, she's doing great. I think in no time she'll be giving this girl a run (or read) for her money:

Gram said...

I laughed at the reference to 'Lord Voldemort' from Harry Potter. You will have fun reading that series to her one day in the not so distant future. And in true HP form, I cannot wait to read and see the next installment (no pressure :-) of Brian's, er Megan's, madcap adventures.