Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Megan's 'crib'

So I've tried to post this video straight to the site but after six attempts, it's apparently not working. Jill and I thought we'd take you on a virtual tour of Megan's new room.

Click here to head on over to YouTube to check it out.


Courtney said...

Oh man....I can't wait until Megan is old enough to tease you guys about this! :)
So glad she is home!

parsons said...

I figure my role as her dad is to embarass her at every step of her growth. So, on day one at home, I've now succeeded.

Although I will say hearing your own voice is extremely disconcerting. You never quite think you sound like you do.

But I'm proud that we knocked that out all in one take.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling someone wouldn't have been too happy if you hadn't gotten that all in one take! What a great video, Parsons FAMILY! I'm looking forward to more (and meeting the real star of the show in person).

Gram said...

I know what you mean about hearing your own voice. If it makes you feel better, Steve and I didn't think it really sounded like you either.

Nice video--and all in one take--great job to all three of you! We would like to have seen a larger scene by the star but I understand SAG has rules about the amount of air time for minors...

See (and hear) you soon!

parsons said...

trust me ... you will be saturated with the megan coverage in the future. Got to entice you, and keep you wanting more. marketing 101

Christina said...

Congratulations on having Megan home! I just knew it would lead to her in the crib! Both of you enjoy your time with her. She seems like a very good baby as she did not give herself away during the flick!See you guys soon!

parsons said...

THAT was our biggest fear, whether or not she would stay quiet while we did the shoot. But like the star she is, she handled her part like a professional.

Laura said...

YEAH!! Now the real fun begins. Congrats to the family for all being home. I think that Jillian has a second calling as a director/film maker. And that peanut, she is definitely the star! Cheers to your new reality, and our new reality TV. ;-)

sandra mae said...

hilarious! I LOVE that you guys made this video!-- I have been anxious to hear if she was able to go home yesterday.. woo hoo!
brian- enjoy your days with your 2 girls and being away from school!