Sunday, March 2, 2008

Megan's Adventures: Day Three

(Jillian and Megan ... five minutes after birth)


First of all, thank you very much to all of you who e-mailed us or left notes in the comments section below. We are truly blessed to have such great friends and family who can provide the right context for our new blessing. I know I'll forget some folks, but it won't be the new grandparents. They have been an absolute blessing this week helping with all the daily errands while I stay with Jillian.

And thanks to some of you (Aunt Pat) for your snarky comments about my backwards hat. For someone like me who likes to tease people, it gave me a wry smile on a long, tiring day.

I know you are all clamoring for more pictures of mom and the baby. However, the hospital where I spend most of my waking (and sleeping) hours does not have internet access. So this is coming to you from a brief respite at home before heading back. I promise many more pictures of mom and baby to come.

The good news is that young Megan has been removed from the warming station and is relying totally on her own body heat and swaddling to keep her core temperature constant. She still has some relapses of sleep apena from time to time where the nurses have to remind her to breathe periodically, but she is looking really good.

Jillian is doing fantastic. Post surgery they had her on a magnesium sulfate drip and it kept her like a zombie. Ironically after talking about how strong my wife is, this medicine leveled her to the point where she could barely feed herself or move her body. But now that she's off the medicine she has walked around on her own free will several times, is much more alert, and in all around good sorts. Plus I think being able to have a shower and wash her hair after three days really helped her.

So thanks for all the great words. I'll have lots more pictures up either tonight or tomorrow.

Megan will do wonderfully with such a great audience to keep her on track. Remember what they say, "It takes a village to raise a child." And remember what I say, "I'm the village idiot so Jill needs all the help she can get."


sandra mae said...

yeah for day #3 of life! thanks SO much for updating your blog, brian. we are checking LOTS for updates-- so know that whenever you do get the chance to post, you DO have an audience! see you guys soon-

papa von george said...

And Brian, I really appreciated the title of the previous post. I remember that commercial like it was yesterday. Way to stick it to the blogger website! Everyone looks really great. You made a pretty darn cute kid. Sure I lost a dollar on that one, but I don't even care anymore.

Megan said...

Hi - I'm friends with Dustin and Courtney and just popped over to read about your new baby girl and say congratulations! She's beautiful and of course has a great name! What an adventure you have ahead of you - Megan may get to be at her own baby shower! Hope the time goes quickly until you are all home together...

parsons said...

Matt and Sandra ... your wish is granted. More pictures for everyone!

And Megan ... thanks for posting on some random person's website! I love your name, and welcome you with open arms to the 'family'. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it, I don't want to lose control because I think I like it!