Monday, March 31, 2008

Megan's First Month

What better way to celebrate her first month than with a photo montage. It's technically only the last two weeks b/c you've seen the other photos ... but, whatever. Enjoy.


sandra mae said...

so cute! I think its just awesome that you are putting these together so often! and thanks for sharing them with us!

Unknown said...

espen's face is just begging "daddy take a picture of ME!" you are a photo montage pro.

parsons said...

awww ... thanks guys. nice to know there are other people out there who like checking in to our humble project. sniff, sniff.

Courtney said...

So cute. I feel like I'm there! Would you like me to make a photo montage of Dustin for you? I can snap a few shots of him laying around and know, so you don't miss him too much!

Sarah and Jake said...

The girl is gorgeous! Great work on the video. I loved the baby's-eye-view shot.


Unknown said...

Megan: "Why does Grandma always wear those sunglasses indoors?"

Also, no more John Mayer, if that is who it is.

Gram said...

Congrats, Brian, on over 1000 (1050 to be exact) hits to your blog site! Knowing that people are interested and returning to read more must make you feel very proud of what you are creating. Keep up the good work (I add very selfishly =).

Anonymous said...

I love the Megan's my favorite new mini-series...