Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Lots of excitement in our lives this past week. My mom graciously volunteered her Spring Break to help us take care of Miss Megan. We'll have more news tomorrow on that (I'm beginning my Spring Break so thus have plenty of time to think of witty posts) ... but thought for today, I would let pictures and not words carry the day.

So, how do you like your 'Easter' Megan?

Classy and Sophisticated?

Or Silly and Amusing?
(She looks like a baby rapper in those pants!)


Anonymous said...

HAPPY EASTER! She is beautiful.

Laura said...

She looks pretty fantastic. Hope you guys had a good Easter, did she hunt for eggs? =)

Claire said...

She's getting so big! How much does she weigh now? I love the picture in the dress - so adorable!

sandra mae said...

I bet you guys have to change her outfit at least 4 times a day just to make sure she wears all of those adorable clothes in her closet! SO cute!
give us the sleep update-- how many hours a night are you getting?

parsons said...

sheepishly i have to admit to getting about 6-7 hours of sleep a night.

jill gets up after about 3 hours, twice a night.

although before moms everywhere crucify me ... just know that this summer when jill goes back to work and i'm home with miss megan, it will be the other way around.

as for her weight ... you have to vote. her doctor's appointment is on friday. update will come then.