Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good News, Bad News

Good News -- Jillian is home! Yea! The staples are out and she made it home today in the mid-afternoon. Of course in true Jillian fashion, she probably pushed herself a little too hard and is now extremely tired as we wind down for the night. Even though she's in some pain, I'm really glad to have her home. Things can somehow return to a state of normalcy, however I now define that term. To celebrate, our friends Matt and Sandra George took us out to dinner, and for that we are extremely grateful. They have a 14-month old so it was great to pick their brains on what we might expect with Megan.

It was also bittersweet today because I went back to work. Honestly, I was a little numb because the past five days have been long and stressful, so it seemed like an even longer amount of time since I was back. But it's better that I return now so that when Megan does come home I can take some time off at that point. My guess is that as the days progress it will feel less 'weird' but today was a tough day.

Bad News -- The 'Bring Megan Home' campaign took a hit today. On the plus side she is eating even more than ever. Just two days ago her meals were 5 mL. She was eating so well they continued to up the amount and earlier today she ate 40 mL at one feeding. You KNEW my daughter would be a great eater. However, something else she seems to have picked up from her dad is a bit of a reflux problem. After her meals, she has been battling some reflux problems which probably stems from her still-developing lungs. This 'episode' today is one of those red flags that the nursing staff doesn't like to see and, unfortunately, resets the counter on when she can come home. Every episode means one week from that point in the special care unit. So, this most likely means, it will be at least until next Tuesday now before she would be cleared to come home.

And while I'm sad, I know they want to get her home, and we're not being punished. The staff at our hospital have always been the best to us and Megan so I know they have her/our best interests at heart. But that doesn't seem to be getting to my heart right now.

But I'd rather end on a happy note so a brief story from my visit this afternoon. During our visit with the Georges at the hospital I changed my second diaper ... no problems. But apparently the big meal earlier today was still affecting her because she started sneezing milk out of her nose. At her size, it is very cute. But her sneeze was so strong that I got a few milk dots on my, thus allowing me to cross a true milestone of parenthood; a 'stained shirt'. It was minor but I have now been christened.


Gram said...

Great news indeed--one home and one to go!

Given the current poll results to date, Megan has many well-wishers cheering her to a speedy release. I know you appreciate all the good thoughts and positive comments.

It won't be easy, Brian, but you need to continue to encourage Jillian to take advantage of the time to rest now--her body will thank her 20 years from now, believe me.

Courtney said...

Congrats Jill! Megan will be along soon, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the world of parenthood. A world full of blessings and challenges. ...Rick & Shelly Arnold and Family