Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aquinas Hoops and MNF

It is no secret that I want Megan involved with sports. Not like Todd Marinovich's father type of crazy (I realize I just went over the head of most of my audience in the opener but it works, trust me), but I want her to be athletic and have an interest in them.

So it should come as no surprise that I treat any and all sports outings as the second coming of Christ himself. If Megan asks to play catch I act like that is the best idea anyone has ever had since two-ply toilet paper. Since Jill's parents are big Hope College supporters, we live in a school district with great sports programs, and I work at Aquinas College, there's ample opportunity to see an enormous amount of games. And each one is a 'special day.'

I'm not kidding. If we're going to watch a soccer game, football game, whatever ... I tell Megan that night is a 'special night' because we're going to (insert sport here). What has transpired is that every time we drive by the high school football field Megan exclaims "Football game daddy!" ... or when we drive past Calvin College where we saw several soccer games it's "that's where we go to watch soccer games together daddy."


Even last night, since Jillian was out of town again, I made a 'special night' at home. We took an early bath and I told her she could stay up late and watch football with daddy while laying in our bed. It was perfect. She had to flip through her toy magazines first, but after that we watched pieces of last week's "Sing Off" on the computer and made funny faces at each other. Good times.

So last week, since several freshmen on the women's basketball team are in my class I decided to take Megan to a game last week. But since it started at 7:30, which on normal, bland nights is close to bedtime ... this was a 'special night.' Did we go out for hot dogs? You bet. Did I let her pick any snack she wanted from the concession stand? Definitely. Did she sit on my lap during the game and ask random questions? Absolutely. Was she cranky the next morning from a lack of sleep? Most assuredly.

Was she enthralled with the game? Not so much. The picture above .... where she looks so intent on following the action ... was while watching the cheerleaders perform.


1 comment:

Courtney said...

Mind programming disguised as bonding? I love it! :) Seems like she loves spending time with you no matter what....and who can blame her?!