Sunday, November 28, 2010

Time Out!

The creature you see before you is dangerous and highly volatile. It is found only in the depths of our living room and kitchen and is a beast so vile that it brings grown men and women to their knees. Scientists refer to it as Lobsterius Terrificus ... but we know her better as "Lobster Claw."

Normally she attacks during dinner creation but not tonight. We arrived home from the holidays after an 8 hour car ride and Megan was itching to be active. So she went wild through all her toys and settled on Lobster Claw. But what made tonight especially funny happened AFTER she attacked me.

Upon devouring my leg Megan put her lobster claw in timeout. I found that mildly amusing since she seemed to want to separate her actions in the crime. But after spending a few minutes with me she walked back over to the claw and said, "Are you ready to talk now?" Which of course, is exactly what Jillian and I say to her when SHE is in timeout. I'd say as far as modeling goes, she nailed it. The only thing missing was her actually talking to the claw. Maybe next week.

1 comment:

Aunt Christine said...

haha! That is hilarious! Thanks for the morning giggle!